Bathroom flooring is a very important aspect of overall bathroom design; the average bathroom sees the most foot traffic in your home outside of the reception area of your home. Everyone uses the bathroom. Not only does the floor in your bathroom experience more foot traffic but also more incidents of splashing of both water and soap so your bathroom floor material has to be able to deal with a lot of wear and tear as well as heat and cold.
Choosing the best bathroom flooring is not easy as there are a number of criteria that you need to think about, it is not just about how durable a particular type of flooring can be, it is also about comfort, style and matching current as well as future décor and colour choices.
The choice of installing carpets in a bathroom is a difficult one, on the one hand a carpet can be a very warm and luxuriant feeling but on the other hand carpets do not do well with a lot of water.
Choosing something like glass tiles may be a much better option, granted they are not nearly as warm as a carpet but they make more sense as there are no water spillage issues, they are also more environmentally friendly as most glass tiles are actually made from recycled glass. Glass tiles are also available in a very large variety of colours and some even change colour with heat application.
Ceramic tiles are the most traditional choice for bathroom flooring, they have been around for centuries and are extremely durable and can deal with any bathroom related incident including any kind of liquid, they clean well and always look and smell fresh. Ceramic tiles come in an astounding variety of colour and style choices. Cork is also an interesting flooring choice, it is greener than using a hard wood as flooring choice because it is more easily replaceable, it is warmer than tiles, is water and mildew resistant and also looks great.