How to Check Rolled Roofing Seams

Quick guide on how you can identify waterproofing issues on your roof or building.

Rolled roofing is a popular choice for flat or low-slope roofs, but like any roofing material, it’s susceptible to wear and tear. One common issue is water leakage through the seams. Regular checks can help identify waterproofing problems before they lead to extensive damage. Here’s a quick guide to help you inspect the seams of your rolled roofing.

Tools and Materials Needed

  1. Ladder
  2. Safety Harness
  3. Work Gloves
  4. Flashlight
  5. Chalk or Spray Paint (for marking)
  6. Measuring Tape
  7. Notebook and Pen (for recording observations)

Safety Precautions

  • Always use a sturdy, well-placed ladder and safety harness when working on a roof.
  • Never work on a wet or icy roof to avoid slips and falls.

Steps to Check Rolled Roofing Seams

Step 1: Access the Roof Safely

  • Secure the ladder and climb onto the roof wearing your safety harness.

Step 2: Visual Inspection

  1. Look for Visible Damage: Check for any signs of cracking, bubbling, or frayed edges along the seams.
  2. Check for Patches: Older repairs might be a sign of recurring issues.
  3. Mark Problem Areas: Use chalk or spray paint to mark any areas that look questionable.

Step 3: Physical Examination

  1. Feel for Irregularities: Use your hands to feel the seams for unevenness, soft spots, or areas where the material may be lifting.
  2. Check for Loose Nails or Fasteners: Make sure all nails or other fasteners are securely in place.

Step 4: Flashlight Test (for interior, if applicable)

  1. Access the Attic or Under-Roof Space: If possible, check the underside of the roof using a flashlight.
  2. Look for Light Penetration: Any light visible from the inside coming through a seam is a definite sign of a problem.

Step 5: Record Observations

  • Use your notebook and pen to jot down the location and type of any potential issues you’ve found. Photos can also be helpful.

Step 6: Take Preventative Measures

  • If you find minor issues, you may be able to repair them yourself using appropriate roofing sealant or adhesive. For more significant problems, consult a professional.

Regularly checking the seams on your rolled roofing can prevent minor issues from turning into significant problems. If you do find any issues, it’s important to address them as quickly as possible to maintain the integrity of your roof and avoid more expensive repairs or even an insurance claim down the line.

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