A Career As An Interior Decorator

Interior decorators or interior designers as they prefer to be called are naturally inquisitive and creative people that have a flair for beautiful things and appreciate the subtle decorative qualities of a combination of carefully selected items. They love furniture and stunning houses. They are excited at the prospect of turning dull, bland homes into stunning masterpieces. Interior designers are interested in current trends, recurring styles and timeless classics. They are adventurous people who are not afraid to try out new looks and ideas.
The home décor industry is a very competitive one and successful interior designers are those who are qualified, have excellent communication skills and advertise in the right places for their market. They have experience in domestic as well as corporate projects. These interior designers are analytical individuals that have an eye for detail and can read complicated diagrams such as house plans. They are fashionable individuals who are in tune with what’s hot and what’s not.
The duties of an interior designer include initials meetings with potential clients to discuss their tastes and preferences. They consider the client’s ideas and make recommendations for stylish, long-term and affordable décor solutions. Interior designers offer extensive and educated advice about colour schemes, flooring options, thermal insulation, furniture and so much more. Most of the time, they visit the premises in questions in order to accurately assess the options. Interior designers play a big role in supervising and coordinating the various suggested projects.
People that are interested in a career in interior design are urged to embark on a suitable course of study. A qualification that provides a solid theoretical foundation complemented by sufficient practical exercises is recommended. Interior design students learn about the effective use of colour and lighting, customer care skills, furniture design, principles of design and fabrics. Interior design courses are available on a full or part time basis and via correspondence colleges. Upon successful completion of the interior design course, students are awarded a certificate, diploma or degree. These apprentices can then join an interior design establishment and start gaining valuable experience.

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