As with most things around the home, it is best to fix a thatch roof as soon as the problem becomes apparent. Damaged thatch is attractive to rodents and birds and soon enough they will start burrowing into the thatch. Experienced roofing contractors ensure that the thatch is installed firmly to stop it from slipping and leaving the home unprotected.
A common cause for concern where thatch roofing solutions are concerned is moss. A green layer, which looks dirty and unsightly, is a sure sign of moss. Shade has a lot to do with the formation of moss or lichen on thatch roofing. In humid weather when dampness is prevalent, moss grows much faster. This is because moss has no roots and feeds on moisture and nutrients in the air. If moss is left unattended, it will continue to turn green and then when it is dry, it will release many spores triggering its reproductive cycle. The best way to deal with the excessive growth of moss is to remove the affected layer of thatch.
The ridge of a thatch roof may have to be replaced on a regular basis. Layers of reeds, grass or other vegetation are sewn or bound into place when repairing the ridge. For extensive damage, re-thatching the entire ridge is probably the homeowner’s best bet. Ridges made from heather are straight-forward to repair. With a heather ridge, tightening the netting at least once every 30 months to protect the thatch roof from storm damage is recommended.
Overlaying is an age-old technique that rejuvenates the skin of the thatch roof and it is much cheaper than re-thatching the entire roof. The homeowner must seriously consider their budget and the thatch roofing contractor’s advice when deciding between overlaying and re-thatching the roof.
In general, many insurance companies will hesitate to insure a building with a thatch roof unless the thatch has been treated with a fire resistant chemical and a fire extinguisher is visible in all thatched areas. Some insurers even insist that a lightning conductor is installed before insurance cover is granted.